

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 11/18/12

Today is a very special day. This is the Sunday before Thanksgiving. What will we do on Thanksgiving? Probably eat way too much and watch way too much football on TV. However, this is a very good time to just stop what we are doing and Praise God for all he has done for all of us. Setting in my office today doing this article, I came up with some things I am thankful for. See if your list matches mine:
1. Salvation
2. God’s Love
3. Forgiveness
4. My Wife Ferrell
5. My Friends
6. My Family
7. The Opportunity to Serve
These are just a few but there is one more I really need to mention. I am so thankful for YOU, the Congregation of New Bethel Baptist Church. Of all the congregations I have had the honor to serve, you, New Bethel, are one of the greatest, most loving, and most caring. Ferrell and I love all of you very much and we look forward to a great New Year and seeing God work so wonderfully. Please pray for each other and us, as we will be doing the same for you. May this Thanksgiving be one of the best you have ever had. God Bless to all.

Pastor Wade

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 11/11/12

Well, the election is now over and President Obama has four more years in the White House. I know this might be upsetting to some as it was to me. However, we must put this behind us now and move forward ourselves. Look at it this way. At least there will not be any more Political Ads running all the time. We have the obligation of praying for our President even if you did not vote for him and also pray for our country. Our country is really going to need a lot of prayers if things are going to get any better.

Today is Veterans Day and I want to say personally to all those who served in the Military, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SERVING! It is also a time we remember those who paid the supreme sacrifice and gave their lives for this country. As bad as things are in this country, I still love this country and was proud myself to have served in the US Military. Please take time to look over some of the pictures and things of Veterans in our Congregation. I think you will be as proud as I am.

Finally, we will begin work today on Nominations for officers, teachers, and workers here at New Bethel. If one of our Nominating Committee members comes to you, please accept and help us make this next year the best ever. The Deacons have decided to put off the New Budget for 2013 until after the first of the year. This is because the Audit is still going forth and we need to have everything in order before we begin the budget. We will keep the same budget we have until then.

OK, that is just about it. Thank you for being here today and I pray God has blessed you greatly. Please pray for those Baptized today as well. Thanks again and God Bless.

Pastor Wade

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 11/4/12

First, Ferrell and I want to thank all of you for the very nice Cards and Gifts during Pastor Appreciation Month. It was Awesome to say the least. Thanks to all so much.

Secondly, I also want to thank everyone for making our Revival such a great success. Brother Phillip and Brother Andy told me they enjoyed it very much and had high praise for the church. His teachings on Discipleship really touched my heart.

Thirdly, our Homecoming was a great success. From the singing to the eating and all in between was again great. Thanks to all especially the ones who worked in the kitchen and those who brought food. I can’t wait until our next fellowship meal.

Fourthly, I want to thank all those who made our Family Cook-out a great success too. It was a bit cold but it was so much fun. Sorry about not having the dunking tank. I know some of you really wanted to get into that cold water, right! It was fun none the less.

So, what is next? I want the church to be praying for the Nominating Committee and the Deacons as they both begin work on the Nominations for the New Year and the Budget for the New Year. There is still much to be done and a few changes that need to take place. Pray God will have His way in everything that is said and done for our New Year. I feel very confident God is going to do something pretty big this coming New Year.

Remember what Paul said in Philippians 3:13: “forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to things which are before us”. Let’s make New Bethel not only a great church for the New Year but a greater church in the New Year. God Bless to all.

Pastor Wade