

Monday, June 27, 2011

Pastor's Weekly Message - 6/26/11

The Lord's Supper
June 26, 2011

The Lord’s Supper or Communion as it is called is where we join together as a group of believers to remember what Christ has done for us. Remembrance, not merely an idea of what happened, but a recognition and affirmation. The concept of remembering in the Hebrew mind meant more than simply recalling something that happened in the past. It meant recapturing as much of the reality and significance of a person or situation as possible in one’s conscious mind. Jesus was requesting that Christians think about the meaning of His life and death on their behalf. A person can participate in Communion, but if his mind is a million miles away he hasn’t truly remembered the Lord. “This is my body which is given for you.” He gave his body in our stead. He paid the penalty so we didn’t have to. It’s more than a gift; it’s a complete substitution of our debt. As you “remember Christ” ask yourself, “What has Christ done in my life? What difference has he made?” It is because of what Christ has done that we have fellowship together. It binds us and unites us. As we celebrate this communion, the Lord’s Supper, we are identified together as followers of Christ.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pastor's Weekly Message - 6/19/11

Happy Father’s Day
June 19, 2011

We the staff of New Bethel Baptist Church would like to wish all of the dads a happy Father’s Day. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are more meaningful the older I become. When you are young it has some meaning to you, but the older our parents become it has greater meaning. When grandchildren call you and come over it is just cream on the top.  Whether you take your dad out or cook for him, make it a day that he will remember the love that was given to him. Those three words “I Love You” have a great meaning. Try it. He will love it and you will too for expressing it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pastor's Weekly Message - 6/12/11

June 12, 2011

Today is the Day that we reach out in Love and touch hearts for the Lord. VBS begins today. You can look around and see that a lot of hard work has been put into this year’s VBS. Ladies thank you for all the time that you put into the decorations. Many hours have been given this year.  If the preparation is the key to VBS then we will be writing next week about what a great and rewarding week it was. Each day someone was working on VBS. It takes planning and preparation to have a successful VBS. What I like about the effort is that everyone is involved. It takes a team to fulfill all that needs to be done. Team is “Together Everyone Accomplish More”. Team work wins. Churches need more team work. Look at any growing Church and you will see Team Work is in the forefront. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Pastor's Weekly Message - 6/5/11

June 5, 2011

I’m back! Did you miss me? Some are answering, didn’t know that you were gone. Well, I did take some R & R and I had a great time. Everybody needs some time off without the phone ringing every minute and the demands of life that call for your time and attention. Yes, Pastors need time off too. Thank for the time off. Thanks to preacher Grady who always comes through for us here at the Church. If he is in town he is always willing to come and fill in for us.