

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 7/29/12

Hello to all in the name of the Lord:

This week’s article is about going forward. The Apostle Paul wrote these words in Philippians 3:13 as he described going forward: “Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching for those things which are ahead”. There is absolutely nothing we can do about what has happened in the past but we can do something about the future.

As I entered the pastoring of a small church once, I noticed everyone reminded me of the last pastor. He did this and he did that. One wonderful gentleman told me once the following: “Our last pastor would cut the grass for the parsonage and the church. Would you have any problem with this?” I just looked at him and said; “No, if you want to get the last pastor to cut the grass at the parsonage and church, I have no problem with that at all.” Well, this did not go over very well but it got my point through. What happened five, fifteen, or even twenty years ago is gone and over with. Let’s move forward for the cause of Christ now.

In the months to come, I am going to be presenting some things to you that will help this church to grow. Before you give up on it quickly, give it a try. If it does not work, we will try something else. I fully believe New Bethel is going to grow but it will take hard work by all. Let’s work together to make New Bethel the best church in the world.

Pastor Wade

Friday, July 27, 2012

Important reminder about this Sunday July 29th

This is just a friendly reminder that we will have the Lord's Supper this Sunday during the 11:00 service.


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 7/22/12

First, I want to congratulate Zach and Amanda Pritchett. They were saved following the Morning Service last week. I look forward to baptizing them along with Brittany in the near future. May the Lord look after them and take good care of them. Praise the Lord.

Now, for the rest of my article this week; as you all may be aware, our Pre-School Program is having a hard time getting the funding it needs to continue. WE NEED YOUR HELP! How can we all help our Pre-School to continue for years to come? Here are some suggestions:

1.Get on Board and get involved: One of the greatest things you or anyone can
do is support and get on board for our Pre-School.
2.Offer your support monetarily: Yes, it does take money to operate the Pre-
School. Just as it takes money to operate the church, the pre-school is the
3.Sponsor a child: There are many who would love to come to Pre-School but
with the economic conditions, are unable. Please remember, Pre-School is not a
4.One final point to ponder: Each of these children that come to the Pre-School
Program is an investment in their future. The Bible is taught, they are loved,
and most of all, they come to know Christ quicker.

I will leave you with this thought. It is time we ask ourselves a question. Do we want to expand our Ministries here at New Bethel? If we do, then Pre-School is a great way to begin. God Bless you all.

Pastor Wade

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 7/15/12

Our Sunday School is one of the most important times in our lives. Sunday School is a time of Bible study, fellowship, and most of all, spiritual growth. Let me ask a very simple question today-If you do not attend Sunday School, WHY NOT? There has to be a reason.

The answer to this simple question is going to be the difference between a Sunday School that is not working and a Sunday School that is thriving. There really is no reason why our Sunday School is not growing.

Statistics show that 97 percent of people attend Sunday School because someone invited them. Do we invite others to attend? Do we call them or even go and see them? People are not just going to get up and come to Sunday School. It is going to take a lot of work if we are going to have a Sunday School second to none.

This is going to be our first growth project. I need your help. We must work together if we are going to have a great Sunday School. In the days and weeks to follow, we will be having Sunday School meetings to see what we can do to help our Sunday School. What can you do right now to help? ATTEND!!! That's right. Show your support for Sunday School by getting involved. There is a class for you today. God bless to all.

Pastor Wade

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 7/8/12

I pray everyone had a great Fourth of July Celebration. Just to know we live in this great country makes me feel proud of being an American. As an American, we have a duty to this Country to stand for what is right. This year is an Election year. Have you thought about it very much? Think of this; if we can turn this nation around for God once again, think of how wonderful this would be. Can we do it? Of course we can. Remember this Scripture: Mark 10:27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

I want to remind everyone the church has already voted to buy new chairs for the Choir. We are asking anyone who can to buy a Chair. One chair cost $37.00. You may not be able to pay for a chair by yourself but anything you might be able to give will be a blessing. Some have already given their money and the deacons have all pledged to buy at least one chair. We want to order as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your help.

Thought for the Day: A Definition of an Antagonist: Someone who on the basis of non- substantial evidence, goes out of their way to make insatiable demands, usually attacking the person or performance of others; these attacks are selfish in nature, tear down rather than build up, and are frequently directed against leadership.

Have a great week in the Lord.

Brother Wade