

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Pastor's Weekly Message 4/24/11

He Lives! He Lives! Jesus Christ Lives
April 24, 2011

Today we welcome you to our Easter Service celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord. We have already had a Sunrise Service at the crosses. If you were there, you felt the power of the Lord as we followed Him in the scriptures to the Cross and watched him die three days later and then come alive. He Lives. He Lives.  Today we share the message again. The children will share how they see the story of Easter and our choir will sing about how they see the resurrection, and I will preach concerning the Resurrection. This is the Sunday that we as Christians hold to and believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pastor's Weekly Message - 4/17/11

April 17, 2011

Are you enjoying the testimonies? I am getting a lot of positive comments. Brenda’s testimony was powerful plus informative to know at 12 years old she gave her heart to the Lord and today she is assured that she is saved. Thanks Brenda for your encouragement and all that you do at our Church. The testimonies are powerful and they are helping others to stop and look at their own lives. Is there a time in your life that you gave your heart to the Lord?  If you say yes, then share it will the Church. This will help others to trust the Lord and your faith will encourage others. We plan to have someone share their testimony in each service. We need to hear from young and old about what God has done and what God is doing.  Call me (706-491-4294) or email me ( if there is a date that you want to do it. I look forward to Sundays just because of the testimonies.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pastor's Weekly Message - 4/10/11

April 10, 2011

The Lord showed up Wednesday night! What a wonderful service we experienced. This was one of the services that you knew you were in the presence of the Lord. We don’t have them all the time, but Praise the Lord he does reveal Himself from time to time with us. I know that it was spring break for our kids and the attendance was not the best we have had, but God was there.  Andrew’s testimony was powerful in what the Lord has done for him. You talk about one that went along with the message, his did. We were sharing a message out of Genesis 28: 10-22 where Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, had a dream where he saw Heaven and the Lord. It was the first time that Jacob realized the Lord was there. He had seen the Lord. “He dreamed and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” “And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place;” well the Lord was there Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Baby Shower for Shelly Rider

Baby Shower for Shelly & Vayda at our church: any church family, friends, and family are invited...those who didn't get to attend the shower sat. can come to this shower if you would like to. It will be a drop in baby shower.....thanks!
Sunday, April 10th 
Fellowship Hall


Monday, April 4, 2011

Easter Sunday Schedule

April 24th is Easter Sunday!  Sunrise service at 7:00am at the crosses.  A breakfast will be served afterward.  No Sunday School.  The worship service will begin at 10:30am with a program presented by the children and choir, followed by the Easter message.

Youth Fundraiser

May 7th there will be a Chicken Strip Fundraiser to help raise funds for Youth Activities.  This will be in the fellowship hall from 4:30 until 7:00pm for a donation of $7.00 per plate.  Tickets will be sold in.  Eat in or carry out.

Ordained Men & Wives Dinner

April 30th the second meeting for ordained men and their wives will be at 6:00pm in the fellowship hall.  Sign up if you are going to come and write down what you will bring to eat.  Meat will be provided.

Easter Lilies

April 17th there will be 35 Easter Lilies on display in the church sanctuary.  You can purchase a lily in memory or honor of a loved one for $10.00.  Pick up a sheet from the bulletin stand.  Write all information down, put the sheet and money in envelop and place in offering plate.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pastor's Weekly Message - 4/3/11

April 3, 2011

We need your help.  Help for what you may ask?  The time has come for us to have a new Church directory.  It has been a while since we had one made.  People have joined and people have died or moved.  Now what we need from you: First is an updated address.  If you changed your address in the last five years we need the new one.  Many who live in Toccoa have had address changes – the new 911 address is what we need.  The second thing is new phone numbers.  Many of you have done away with your landline and have cell phones only.  We need your cell phone number.  Third, we need all of you to have your picture taken so we can put a name with a face.  Thanks the Lord that we have new families that have joined and are attending since the old directory was published.  Now, who does this involve?  All of our kids that attend on Wednesday night, and all the old and new members and their families.  Yes, we want you to be part of this new directory even if you just attend once in a while.  We have so many in our church who just do not know who people are, so this new directory will help.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Preschool Registration

Registration for the 2010-2011 school year will be Friday, April 29 on the ball field located behind the church from 9:00-11:00.  An evening registration will be on April 29 from 5:00-7:00 in the church fellowship hall.  Please bring copy of birth certificate and immunization records to register.  A registration fee of $75 will be due at time of registration.  Applications can be picked up Monday-Friday 8:00-4:00 at the church office.