

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 2/26/12

Brother Derrick Woody spoke on “Seeing the Unseen” from II Corinthians, Chapter 4. He spoke on how things look on the outside. Sight is so precious. He said that to not have a vision is much worse than being blind. MAN! What if God judged us for the times we fail, lose our cool, think bad of others, etc. A scripture in Matthew 7: 1 & 2 says, “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again”. What do you see when you look at our speaker, our deacons, the people that attend church, or maybe our
neighbor? Don’t judge, just pray for yourself and others. See the good in people and the good in our church. We must not focus on things here because the reason Jesus died was that we might have eternal life. We must know that problems do not last forever. As Brother Woody said, “If our natural looks change daily then why would problems not change?”

Pray for our pulpit committee. They are Anthony Kesler, Jeff Smith, Anthony Cox, Ann Hortman, John Taylor, Connie Harris, and Tim Moore. They have a tremendous responsibility and we have faith that they will make the right decision for our church.

If we are to live like Jesus, then we need to live for others. It is so good to be a part of such a caring church family.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

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Weekly Bulletin Message - 2/19/12

Another good speaker last Sunday. Joey Stewart started his sermon from Matthew, Chapter 28 by relating it to an army. He said that when the command is given to army recruits to jump or crawl, they do not ask how low or how high. The recruits just jump as high or crawl as low as they can, because that might be their only means of survival. How do we obey in God’s Army? Do we ask, “how high or how low” or do we just react as we should? It could make a change, not only in our life but in the lives of others as well. Our survival for eternity depends on our belief in God and for others to reap the same benefit. WE MUST BE IN GOD’S ARMY. We must witness and teach His love to others. Jesus died for us and all we have to do is claim Him. We must meet none-believers on their level, no matter how high or how low and love them unconditionally as Jesus does.

Brother Stewart preached about Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing on Wednesday night from Matthew Chapter 7. He said that because our church is definitely in a time of new beginning, we should test the spirit of those who serve. It is so important for us to know what is being taught to our youth and adults. We need to stand firm on our beliefs that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. We need to be bold about giving our testimony and about asking others about their beliefs.
As I read somewhere this week: God won’t ask the square footage of our house. He’ll ask how many people we welcomed into our home. God won’t ask why it took so long to seek salvation. He will lovingly take us to our mansion in heaven and not to the gates of hell. Never give up on anyone as God never gave up on me.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 2/12/12

Well we had another great day Sunday. Brandon Crunkleton spoke on “Biblical Assurance” from 1st John Chapter 5. He also did a really good one Wednesday night from Jeremiah 5 on “Your Responsibility to God”. I think God used Brandon to speak to me. Brandon is so right when he said that God even knows our thoughts. He challenged us to look at ourselves and see, or rather make sure that we are in God’s will. We should humble ourselves before God and before men. There is so much work to be done for His kingdom and we are the ones to do the work. Who else would do it? God has given us the power and the knowledge to do whatever He wants us to do. So let’s keep up the good work and add even more.

If you are not in Sunday School, you cannot imagine what you are missing. The young People including the young adults are meeting in the trailers and the seniors meet in the fellowship hall. We have wonderful leaders. Our leaders place so much time and effort into making sure that our youth and adults enjoy being at New Bethel and learning The Word.

What a blessing it is to serve with so many good people in this church. I love this place more and more every day. No matter what I ask of anyone here, they always do their best without complaining. As each of you can tell, we are using lots of different people in lots of different areas, whether to pray, to lead the congregation, take up the offering, work on a bad electric cord, turn on the heat, turn off the heat, etc. If you have a desire to do something special here, please tell me, Brenda, or one of the deacons know and we will try to make it happen. We need and want all of you to enjoy worshiping our Wonderful Savior as we do. Our goal is to make this a place that people want to be and a place that we can lead others to Christ. Again as Brandon said last week, “We must walk the walk and talk the talk because we may be the only pulpit that some might see”.


Friday, February 3, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 2/5/12

WOW! What a message from Chris Hewett on Sunday morning. His message focused on a lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son from Luke Chapter 15. Then came Wednesday night. His message was from Revelation 20:10-15 on “What’s going to happen?” HELL IS REAL and in our most vivid minds, we cannot possibly know how bad it is. There will be a judgment day for all. HEAVEN IS REAL and we cannot imagine how wonderful it will be. We will live forever in one of the two places….. Our Choice.

I am so thankful that someone had the courage to say to me, “Dykes, if you were to die today, where would you go?” and at the same time I had the courage to say that I wanted to be saved because I did not know for sure. That was the best day of my life and I have not been the same since. I plead with you, please don’t die and go to hell. That would make us all so sad. Choose to live forever in Heaven. When one chooses to be saved, we rejoice, along with all of our friends. Romans 10: 9 says. “ that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved”. If you give your heart to God and become filled with The Holy Spirit, you cannot help but show joy to others around you. Because of your witness, others just might be saved and their names be written in “The Lamb’s Book of Life”.
