

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Weekly Bulletin Message - 1/20/13

WOW! This is the only word I can say to describe how wonderful last Sunday was. It was incredible to say the least. The morning service was wonderful and the singing service in the evening was out of this world. Thanks to all who made it possible and let us all give thanks to our Lord for blessing us the way He did.

It looks like we are getting a really wonderful kickoff to the New Year. I can sense God working among all of us. We are just about finished with all the Audit information and will be presenting the new budget for the remainder of the year. Please remember, the church did vote to continue with our present budget until we finished the audit and present a new budget to the church. So, please bear with us as we work hard on this.

VBS: Our VBS is beginning to take shape and many are working hard on it right now. It is going to be great this year. The Theme this year is “Surviving or Thriving with God?” You do not want to miss out on all the fun and excitement so, join in quickly. Please see Mrs. Linda for more information.

I noticed there is only ONE (1) person signed up for the New Convert/New Member Class. We need more than this if we are going to have it. If you have never taken a New Convert/New Members class no matter if you are not a New Member/New Convert, you need to take this. It only last about 5-6 weeks and will take place during the Sunday School time. You need to sign up by February 3rd. Classes will begin on February 17th.

Well, that is about it from here. Many great things are going to happen in the near future here. The Question we need to ask ourselves is simple and to the point: “Are we going to be HELPERS or HINDERS in God’s Work here. God Bless to all.

Pastor Wade

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Weekly Bulletin Message 1/13/13

Hello Everyone. Here is a quick update on how we are coming with our Audit. It is just about finished. There are a few details to figure out but the majority of it is done. Keep praying for all the budget personnel as we work hard on getting our New Years Budget ready. A lot of people have been putting in a lot of hours on this but rest assured, we will get it done.

I am going to begin a New Convert/New Members Class on February 17th. This is for anyone who has not been through a New Convert/New Members Class. So, you can see it is not just for New Converts or New Members. The time of the class with be on Sunday Morning during Sunday School. I (Pastor Wade) will be teaching the class which should last for about 5-6 weeks. We will be doing this on a regular basis about two to four weeks apart. This is a great Discipleship tool so get involved. There is a signup sheet for the first class so please sign up. February 3rd is the last day to sign up for the first class.

I am really looking forward to our Singing tonight. Please try and be here if you can. We are going to try and have something like this about every quarter. At our next singing, we are going to have a time of fellowship and food. Maybe a good old fashion beans and cornbread supper. That always sounds good.

Lastly, things are now beginning to move forward. We have not put into plans our VBS. We continue to need bus drivers so if you would like to help out, please do. God is going to do something special but He always does things special all the time. Let’s get out of the way of our Lord and let’s see what He is going to do next. God Bless to all.

Pastor Wade

Luke 13:24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Weekly Bulletin Message - 1/6/13

WOW! Is it New Years already? It is hard to believe we are now into a New Year here at New Bethel. And with this New Year comes new things. For example, we will have to get used to writing 2013 on our checks instead of 2012. New tax laws are now in place among a host of other things. Yes, it is now time for all of the new transactions. Even our Worship Service for the New Year has changed somewhat. Note below at our new format for Worship Services.

1. Welcome: Pastor Wade will welcome every to our Morning Service
 Bulletin and Prayer Time
 Bulletin: Please read your bulletin
2. Prayer Time: Will be around the altar. Those who need special prayer will be done around the Altar. If you have a special Prayer request, be sure to come to the Altar with it.
3. Fellowship time: Fellowship time begins right after Prayer time.
4. Music Service: We will then go into our Music program with congregational hymns, choir specials, and music specials.
5. Message: Message will follow the Music Service
6. Invitation: Will follow the Message
7. Tithes/Offerings: Will be taken at the end of the Invitation
8. Dismissal & Benediction

I believe this will enhance our Worship Service and keep things flowing. Oh, by the way, I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year. I believe God is going to do something special this year. So, let us get out of the way of God and watch Him work in our Community and Church. God Bless to all.

Pastor Wade: Revelation 21:5-- And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.