

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 1/29/12

Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ! How wonderful that we have the freedom to gather together each week to celebrate our Savior and be refreshed by the Word of the Lord. I greatly appreciated Bob’s prayer last Sunday in asking God to unify us and hold us together during these times of change in our church. Then Brother Roger Whiten echoed that sentiment in opening his message by saying it is rare to find a church that will come together when facing the challenges such as the ones we have been dealing with and continue to deal with.

God’s Word has a lot to say about unity in the church body, and the message is very clear: 1 Corinthians 1:10 “Now I Beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” Philippians 1:27 “Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;” 1 Peter 3:8 “Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:”

I’ve listed just a few verses that address unity in order to whet your appetite. Therefore, my challenge to you (and to myself) this week is to take some time reading about, meditating on, and praying for unity in the church. Let us continue to come together for the common purpose of glorifying Most High God as we strive to lead others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Here are a few more scripture references to get your Bible study started: Romans 12:5; 1 Corinthians 10:17; Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 4:13; 2 Corinthians 13:11; Ephesians 4:3; Isaiah 11:13; Isaiah 52:8; John 10:16; John 17:21; Ephesians 2:14; Judges 20:11; Matthew 18:19.

In Him,
Anthony Cox

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 1/22/12

We have had another blessed week at New Bethel with Brent Ware as our speaker. As he spoke from Ephesians, chapter 1, he titled the sermon, “Who Am I?” We are a child of The King. We have the greatest answer and we are sometimes hesitate to give it to others. Everyone needs Christ! We know as Christians what we need to do, but are we willing to tell others how wonderful God’s love is and how to get to be with Him forever and ever and ever?
Thanks to all who agreed to serve in any capacity of our church in 2012. Whether anyone else knows what you are doing, you know, and so does God. Although we take much for granted, we appreciate the things that are done to make “worshiping God our priority”.

We may have incurred somewhat of a set-back with our church pews, but I am a firm believer that all things happen for a reason. We are keeping in constant contact (the committee almost daily) with the ones who are rebuilding and we must remember that God is good all the time and He is always on time and on target.

May each of you know that you are important here at New Bethel and you are loved.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 1/15/12

We met with the insurance company this week and the construction is progressing well. We should be in the sanctuary in about three weeks.

Justin Baskins preached last Sunday from Daniel about being prepared to meet our Lord. One of his statements that stuck in my mind was, “It would be so sad to climb a 45 foot ladder for years and learn that it was leaning on the wrong wall”. Actually, it would be sad for me to climb a ladder of any length and find out it was in the wrong place.

While running a race, someone lost the chip off his shoe, which was placed there to prove that he had in fact ran. After he had finished the long race, there was no record of his running at all. This could be the way it is for us. We can run a good race, do the right things, obey the law, and go to church but if at the final checking point---HEAVEN---we haven’t accepted Christ as our Savior and our name is not in The Lamb’s Book of Life, we will be disqualified to enter.

My hope and prayers are that all will be qualified to enter Heaven.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 1/8/12

Thanks to Pastor Jordan for a wonderful sermon, “The Master’s Fabric”, on our first day of 2012. His message that Heaven is real, yield to God, and acknowledge God are important steps for our happy year! Slowing down can be positive in our lives. We can often welcome a red light and use this time to meditate. Rushing can cloud our judgement and cause us to overlook the important things.
Psalm 91:1 says, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of The Almighty.” Think about this: God listens to us when we pray for others and He blesses them. When we are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for us and we are blessed.

On Oct. 1st 2011, we had no idea that we would be meeting in the fellowship hall on a regular basis. God is here as well as in the sanctuary of New Bethel and what blessings we have received from Him. The sanctuary should be ready to re-enter soon, thanks to the work of the committee, Donald, Billy and Calvin along with Darrell and many others who have prayed and helped in anyway that was asked of them.

We will be having various speakers each week and some of these have actually applied to be our pastor. While we have not appointed a search committee, you could be listening to your next pastor. Brenda has posted a list of these on our monthly calendar. Please continue to support our church with your attendance and talents. Everyone is very important to the fulfillment of God’s kingdom!

God Bless you and your families. God loves you and so do I.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 1/1/12

2012….Can you believe we are already here?

Although we will miss Pastor Tommy, we will continue to pray and support him in his new ministry. I would like to thank Billy, Eugene, and Chris for their hard work and brother Darrell for his leadership in 2011.

I am thankful that we have a wonderful church in which to serve God with our Christian friends. We must continue to strive to keep Him first. Whenever a member of our congregation does something good, we should acknowledge that person even if only with a nod. We are a team, not just a bunch of independent operators. Each person contributes to the success of everyone else.

1st Corinthians 12:19-20 says that each of us is a separate part of one body. While there are many members, we are one body.

Please continue to pray for the leadership and direction of our church that we will use our gifts, within the body of Christ, to build up, strengthen, and help carry out God’s purpose.
If I can be of any assistance, please feel free to call me @ 706-491-5480 or 706- 384-4276. Also any one of Deacon fellowship will be more than willing to help.

May God bless America and our church in 2012.
