

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Weekly Bulletin Message - 7/22/12

First, I want to congratulate Zach and Amanda Pritchett. They were saved following the Morning Service last week. I look forward to baptizing them along with Brittany in the near future. May the Lord look after them and take good care of them. Praise the Lord.

Now, for the rest of my article this week; as you all may be aware, our Pre-School Program is having a hard time getting the funding it needs to continue. WE NEED YOUR HELP! How can we all help our Pre-School to continue for years to come? Here are some suggestions:

1.Get on Board and get involved: One of the greatest things you or anyone can
do is support and get on board for our Pre-School.
2.Offer your support monetarily: Yes, it does take money to operate the Pre-
School. Just as it takes money to operate the church, the pre-school is the
3.Sponsor a child: There are many who would love to come to Pre-School but
with the economic conditions, are unable. Please remember, Pre-School is not a
4.One final point to ponder: Each of these children that come to the Pre-School
Program is an investment in their future. The Bible is taught, they are loved,
and most of all, they come to know Christ quicker.

I will leave you with this thought. It is time we ask ourselves a question. Do we want to expand our Ministries here at New Bethel? If we do, then Pre-School is a great way to begin. God Bless you all.

Pastor Wade

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